Bye Bye 2015.


2015 was a wonderful year ! 2014 was already incredible I talked about it last year,  writing this new post I read the other one again and I realized that 2014 brought so much in my life I couldn’t think that 2015 would be so much better !

I started 2015 under fireworks in front of Toronto City Hall with thousands people around me. I spent 6 more months in Toronto living my dream. I finally came back home June 30rd. Back on a busy year !

In 2015 I lived by -40 degrees in February and 45 degrees in June, I also voluntary ran into the mud for the MUD HERO, I also visited Montréal, saw Niagara Falls, admired Grand Canyon’s sunrise, I was invited to 2 Fashion Week in Toronto (T.O.M. et F.A.T.), I saw the Batmobile from the next Batman movie during the shooting film in Toronto, I drove during 2 hours on the back of a tow truck in Arizona, I received my first official invitation as a blogger, I found space in my life for running more and more every month, I walked down Las Vegas’s streets, I was able to surprise with my come back  family and closed friends, two friends got married with a lot of love the week after I moved back, I tanned in Venice Beach, I met my cousin for the first time in Malibu, I launched the running group #BeFringFit Crew in Valence to meet girls with the same spirit, I walked by San Francisco Golden Gate Bridge, I worked for Apérochic until I left the city, I offered the blog a new design (thanks Alexis!), I lived in a city which will always have a piece of my heart,  I had amazing amazing people around me, I met one of my crush from 2015 and I’m so impatient to see her again now she moved back to France, I took Road 1 from Los Angeles to San Francisco on a convertible red Camaro , my skin burned like never in my life in Las Vegas, I met really nice people since I move back here, I discover again and again my area, my country, I seriously start yoga, I was published in the French economic magazine l’Express, my korean rommate Miri from Toronto came to visit me in France, I started good project for 2016, I had a great post about my come back in my regional newspaper.

What’s next for 2016 ?

Professionally many projects are coming, I will reap the seeds I planted in 2015. You will know more about it really soon, some stuffs should start during the first weeks of the year. 2015 confirmed me what I wanna do, in what kind of job I’m happy, in 2015 I finished the coaching I started in 2014 with Cécile and that was really important in my feelings today. From an experience to an other I add more competences and new ambition, I’m still going forward !

Athletically I already share with you my results after my first (real) athletic year here. Today I passed some steps which give me new goals for this year: work on my speed, be part of a bigger race (I wasn’t ready for the 15K last June when Nike organized it in Toronto but I’m interested to try it somewhere in Europe this year), I wanna go over my 11K maximum, I will be ready for the Spahis Race in Valence next July with the #BeFringFit Crew, be back at the gym like I used to do in Canada,  practise yoga again, test new sports and keep doing it with passion !

Concerning my blog people asked me when I moved back to France if I will stop blogging, but for me it was impossible! I got so much with the blog, I spend a lot of time for it, thanks to it I met wonderful people, I had the chance to work in great projects and everyday I’m happy to share with you my crushes, my wish list, my passion and all I love, your feedbacks and that you are more and more everyday give me the energy necessary to conciliate everything.  Thanks to be more than 900 today in Instagram and almost 700 on Facebook ! So let’s do 2016 together !

About my travels 2015 set high standards ! This year my professionnal life is not going to be compatible with a long trip but I would love to travel in Europe, visit my ex German roommate and her friends, take the time to visit our famous French cities, feel in love with London again, well I have so much ideas concerning this point !

In general I’m 2000% motivated to success and accomplish things, I’m still so full of energy and happy to be able to share it ! My mind is becoming more and more positive everyday and I surround myself with positive energy, everything is in your head so if you decide to be happy 90% of your path is already done 😉

It’s now your turn ! Tell me what you wanna accomplish during 2016 ? I will keep carefuly your responses and we will check at the end of the year 😉

Thanks you so much for your support <3

I will just finish with a mix from my favourite pictures from 2015.

signature article

View from my place, 17th floor.
Armelle and I, Eaton Center.
Vero Moda Event Toronto.
Grand Canyon.
Santa Monica.
Time with my cousins in Ardèche.
My goodbye party. France – Ireland – Costa Rica. Marseille. Paris. Lille. Valence.
Las Vegas.
Les 3 Becs.
Niagara Falls.
Toronto Islands. Toronto skyline.
bye 2015
Friends from my International Trade Diploma.
Paintlounge blogger event.
My Irish girl for my 27th birthday.
Blue Jays game with my girls for my last weekend.
Yes I’m burnt !
With Shanez, my canadien roommate.
With Shanez, my canadien roommate.


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