25 things to do in Valence, France, when it rains January 24, 20257 minute read I’ve spent a large part of my life in the Valence region, Drôme. When I go back every… 0 Shares 0 0
The perfect guide for a day on the Îles de Lérins in Cannes August 31, 20244 minute read If you’re planning a Côte d’Azur getaway you absolutely must read this article. I’m going to tell you… 3 Shares 0 3
Sunny discovery: A few unforgettable days in Cannes August 30, 20248 minute read If you’re planning a holiday in Cannes, you’ve come to the right place. I spent all my vacations… 0 Shares 0 0
France Road Trip: Our Amazing Itinerary November 15, 202110 minute read I had planned to prepare 3 blog posts about our first stay in France together a few weeks… 0 Shares 0 0
How to prepare a trip to France with your foreign partner November 12, 20214 minute read In this article, I share with you how I managed to prepare our first trip to France together.… 0 Shares 0 0
A complete guide to plan your vacation to France October 30, 20214 minute read France .. Many dream for its architecture, the variety of its landscapes … its gastronomy! I was born… 0 Shares 0 0
My trip to Valence 2019 October 29, 20194 minute read It’s been a few weeks since I’m back on little Canadian habits and left behind pretty French streets,… 0 Shares 0 0
10 cities to visit in France August 9, 20183 minute read A few months ago I told you about the countries I would like to visit in Europe if… 0 Shares 0 0
What to do around Valence ? February 6, 20175 minute read After a short break last Monday my series on Valence is back! I have some info to share… 0 Shares 0 0