Road Trip: San Francisco Part 2.

Early and in good spirit let’s visit San Francisco during 5 days ! We read that Sea Lions live in Pier 39. I don’t need to tell you we were curious to see animals like that in downtown San Francisco. And yes there are some of them burning in the sun, people told us usually there is more of them. But even if it’s not full we were really impressed ! And we hoped to see more everyday but that was the maximum.

From where we stood we were able to see Alcatraz, but unfortunately we didn’t visit it (we tried to back to late).

Sun was there, wind too but it didn’t matter: San Francisco stills a really charming and lighty city !

You all have already heard that San Francisco is just up and down: no one lies to you it’s true ! Honestly it’s part of the charm and overall it’s a reason to laugh a lot: tiredness left place to a really amazing sense of humour trust me !

I have to say that we are rewarded very quickly … look at this amazing view in our way to the Coit Tower, at the top of the city.

Looking at my pictures now I realized again how much charming is the city ! Let’s walk a little bit more to discover a really famous street .. Guess which one ? Right I’m talking about Lombard Street and the 8  hairpin turns, it’s the most sinous street in US !

San Francisco could be the most European American city we visited: from the architecture and monuments. San Francisco has an history. And finally one of the thing you should do if you visit SFE: the cable car ! In more than 140 years it became an emblem for the city, the huge line doesn’t lie… Tens of tourists waited their turns. And you will wait too because it’s amazing !

For a second you think you are one of the actress from american tv shows who stand on the cable car, arm outside, ready to conquer the world, smile on her face, air on the hair … Except you are not really putting your arm outside since cars are driving on the other way and wind is not really sexy on your hair. It’s a must to dofor me, the path is nice, they play with the vintage atmostphere and I loved it ! Even the equivalents of our street cars are vintage, by the way they all have names and we took by chance the one called Toronto <3

Days went really fast, we wanted to see more things as possible and in our list we had something else, something unforgettable we walked by.. Yes the famous Golden Gate Bridge !! It offers an incredible view on San Francisco’s Bay !


And to Sausalito a small town which looks like a lot like a mediterranean city..


To be back in SF you could walk back or use the ferry for 11$, not that we are lazy but the ferry gave us a wonderful view on the Golden Gate Bridge!

I love travelling by boat for a short travel, it’s ressourcing and different .. And we will need ressources to continue our day: we walked until the famous Painted Ladies, it’s a group of colorful Victorian houses.

San Francisco is full of famous hourses from differents tv shows, movies or songs. We chased it ! Let’s take a look:

The blue house inspired Maxime Le Forestier to write the song: San Francisco, for your information the record company offered to the new owners to give the original colour to the house for the 40th anniversary carreer of the singer (between that it was painted in green)

The Full House’s house, I used to love the tv show when I was a little girl ! (Yes remember we discover Olsen’s twins, they were cute and not fashionitas yet !

Mrs Doubtfire’s house which looks more like a sanctuary in memory of Robbin Williams, principal actor from the movie who died last year, with notes everywhere: from the trees to the floor.

We also walked by the famous Golden Gate Park, and others I don’t remember the names, we appreciated all the streets, the architecture impressed us, everything is so worked, perfect and look like dolls’ houses !

If I can give you a recommendation it will be for this lovely restaurant: The Brixton ! We were there for the Football Women World Cup and France was playing, we wtached it with all the customers supporting our country: was pretty nice!

Address: 2140 Union St, San Francisco.

5 days in SF is perfect, enough to visit, appreciate the city which isn’t crazy busy, I feel like it’s really relax for an american city. We met so many runners, so yes this city feels good in it shoes and it concerns about the health !

It took so long for me to finish (and finally translate in English) my last post about our road trip. I still have an other to post: how to organize a road trip and how much it costs. so stay tunned.


Little extra: picture from us waiting in Las Vegas (we took a plane from SF to LV and to Toronto), when you have to wait too long and you finally seat on the floor because it’s the only spot where you can plug your iPhone .. Geek life !

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