mud day lyon

Mud Day Lyon 2016


Yeah finally we are talking about the Mud Day Lyon, time goes so fast, it was already at the beginning of the month ! As we say here: better later than never. For the ones who never heard about it before those races are becoming a For those who have not yet heard of these races that take on a mad scale, these are obstacle courses with a peculiarity: the mud! After the Mud Hero in Toronto in 2015, The Spahis Race in Valence last July I embarked on a new challenge thanks to CAPI 38 which I thank greatly for the 4 places: the Mud Day: 13km and 22 obstacles.

Find at the end the video of our course, prepare to laugh!

What do we promise?

Mud, mud, mud! It is the cry of gathering and the promise that makes us the organization! Physical and mental tests in an atmosphere of madness.

mud day lyon

What do we have?

Without any hesitation: mud! Water, obstacles to climb, others to cross, ropes to catch, obstacles are varied and appeal to different parts of the body: legs, arms everything is solicited even the brain since there are Also memory games. I liked this aspect of the race: the muscles is good but it must also have in mind! The obstacles are fairly accessible to be fun while being difficult enough to surpass themselves. We were the last of the last wave (I remind you that I participate for the pleasure and not for the chronos?;)), So we could take our time and really have fun. I really felt like we were 4 kids and this feeling was great!

The organization?

I was impressed with the quality of the organization! Everything is regulated like musical paper, (neither seen nor known the small vintage expression in passing) parking was very accessible, the withdrawal of the super simple bibs and especially there was a free and supervised deposit for our business during the race! Knowing that one can leave one’s business and recover quietly after the race is really a big plus! A village with partners was set up, a space to take pictures, picnic tables to eat, toilets relatively clean given the number of participants. A lot of spaces for families who came to encourage a dad or a mom during his race.

Attention Mud Day Lyon is not in Lyon, count 50km, it’s rather between Grenoble and Lyon, Lake Vénérieu exactly.


Level ?

Of course it is not a race that one decides to do the day before. A regular running training, a bit of endurance, full of good will and above all a good energy are enough if we keep in mind that we are there to have fun and that we do not decide to make a stopwatch, Idea is arriving whole by being pleased.


The price was 88 € per day, in advance 45 €. For this price you have a tee-shirt, the free deposit of your bags, the medal and especially 13km of fun. Let’s say that it remains a sum but given the organization it is coherent.

My opinion ?

After the Mud Hero and the Spahis Race it was my third obstacle course, the longest one as well. I had quite a lot of feedback that the Mud Day was more difficult than the Spahis Race so I was a little apprehensive about the little training I had done in August. Finally I found the 2 races very different for 2 reasons: the atmosphere more fun and less strict and my team: same state of mind and even want to have fun. If it had to be done again I do it again without any worry! Know that if the 13km are frightening you do not see them pass since they are intersected by obstacles, really distance is not a worry on this kind of races.

And in truth it gives what?

Think about putting the video in HD.

Have you participated? Would you like to participate? You have questions ? Tell me everything !

All next events on the official website Mud Day.

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