Sunny Sunday

Last Sunday I was supposed to meet the 4Run6Jumpstreet at 9.00am at the Toronto Music Garden for a run close to the lake. After some issues with the bus (TTC issues in Toronto no way !) I couldn’t be on time (For the bad mouth read again: because of the public transport !) I was super excited to meet Alexane who prepared a path and exercise to workout, and really disappointed to miss her first session. It was a nice sunny Sunday.

It was our first beautiful day in Toronto. After 6 months under 0 I can promise you enjoy the smallest sun ray. At 9.30am most of the city was still sleeping. I arrived in front of the lake and … No words… This city made me complain the past 6 months. Which make me walk on the snow with 14 centimeter heels, which gave me snow for Easter, which served me -40 on a frozen platter is now offering me a beautiful moment: in front of me the immensity of the lake, the sun already high on the sky, his reflection moving on the waves’ rhythm.and the silence. In one second it was like I totally forgot that the winter was endless. I was able to breath again. We say that sun is good for your mood, for me it’s 100% true !

Don’t forget to join me on Instagram and Youtube for more content.


The first runners crossed, dogs appreciated the walk without have to wear a ridiculous coat, babies discovered Toronto doesn’t just have winter and that the sun’s heat is not a legend.


Bordered the lake passing by the Marina, the Marin Police station, restaurants, parks, the beach and finally stoped at the Toronto Music Garden to use the street furniture as workout machines, do yoga. Can we dream better to start a Sunday ?


Looking at the number of pictures I took ( my iPhone says 55..). We can doubt about the efficiency of the run ahah but it’s also the good side of the beautiful weather and workout outside, discover new spots, be impressed, … and just enjoy the moment. It’s not just about your muscles it’s also about your mental.


What about you ? Is is important for you to run in a nice place ?

I had really good feedback concerning the pictures I posted on Instagram showing my evolution !  Thanks a lot ! I’m currently organizing something to stay motivated .. Coming soon !








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