
In my mind

Two years ago I was having a hard time. A period that would change my life. A period that would answer questions that I had always asked myself. I did not want to see anyone anymore. I had disappeared from social networks, I did not taste anything. Several highlights in just ten days. I needed time to assimilate, skip the information, mourn. The couch was my best friend. Then as always the sun came back in my life. Because we can not live in darkness forever. That I was preparing for my return to Toronto. That I always had beautiful things to accomplish.

Two years later, nothing serious happened to shake my life but I am full of questions again. At the moment I am a real weather vane, which irritated me only 5 minutes ago has no interest in my eyes at the moment T. I am racing very quickly to let the bellows fall immediately. I am afraid to make decisions. I am afraid of making the wrong choices as my instinct is disturbed, so much is my brain distracted. It is surely a passage known by a lot of creatives, the ideas are jostling, everything is turned upside down in the head: we would like to go around the world someday, invest in a NGO of tomorrow and become the next successful entrepreneur 24 hours later.


Surely you have already heard about right brains and left brains: the first is creativity, the imagination while the second is logical, single-task, it is the brain of reason. People with dominant right brains think quickly, consider several options very quickly, find solutions very quickly. People with left dominant brains are more concentrated and organized, a question = an answer.

The society in which we live is more oriented left brain. It turns out that in my case I have no dominant side, I am what is called “balanced”. This term makes me smile because far from being balanced I think this configuration is exhausting and difficult to live. Imagine having a crazy creative side that pushes you to do crazy things and a very rational side that brings you back to the ground, facing the realities of life at the same time.


In short all this to tell you that at this moment I am in full research of myself, I have for the first time a job that solicits enormously my creative side and I realize by doing me a little psychological analysis of counter that I am for the completely balanced blow, that I have a hard time letting my creativity express itself completely and let go because I feel that I lose in efficiency, concentration and discipline. I spent my week end thinking about it, I had conversations with key people of my life, I gave free rein to my desires, I wrote on my windows to see more clearly and I realize really that I have always been conditioned to be a brain of reason and that today in fact I release this creativity which did not have too much place. It’s a new way to see and understand my way of working in my main professional life as I call it and my life as a freelance blogger. On one of my windows I wrote a few key words: set goals, set priorities, focus, be patient, structure.

If I let you into my brain today it’s really to tell you that we all tranverse moments when we ask a thousand questions, we seek answers. It is also to open the dialogue with other people who are going through the same thing.


We fall on an autumnal look, compensated are the only trace of summer that has resisted but already a few days after the photos they returned to stay warm in my shoesing until next summer! A safe combo to reproduce easily! A black blouse + a black leather jacket + glitter leggings from Zara but impossible to find on the site!

Hope you enjoyed getting into my mind. Des bisous mes petits loups à frange.


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