
List of Inspiring books to read

I was a great reader as a kid, I have always been used to reading a lot. As time goes by, I’ve lost that habit, let’s say I’m reading by wave. When I took public transportation I read a lot, it’s the best way to pass the time. Only today I walk about 30 minutes to work and I do not think it’s a good idea to read at the same time;). Let’s explore my list of inspiring books to read.


Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson

This is the book that inspired me the most in recent years. I bought it in 2013 while I was still in France. But I could not find the time to read the 1000 pages that Mr. Apple had reserved for us. Finally found the time after my move to Toronto in 2014 and I think it was the perfect time. I embarked on a new adventure, I reinvented myself and read the exploits of Steve Jobs, his determination, his madness too. The beginning is a bit long but the book is worth it, it persuades us that we must believe strongly in our ideas and never let go. Find the book here.

The answer of Allan & Barbara Pease

This book has a special flavor, it was sent to me by Joëlle Elledit8 blog. During her reading she had thought of me. If you are at a turning point in your life, looking for answers, waiting for your butt kick to get started this book is for you. It will help you to see more clearly in your objectives and to build a solid attack plan. I have already lent to my friend Cyrielle who decided to buy it to have it on hand when needed a booster is to say. Find the book here.

Start something that matters by Blake Mycoskie

In 2014 the Peace Collective brand was born in Toronto. The famous “Home is Toronto” sweaters and tshirts it’s them. For each tshirt sold they pay 2 meals to a Canadian child in need. Curious to know more about them I read their website and discover that their concept was inspired by the reading of “Start something that matters” Blake Mycoskie the creator of TOMS shoes. I got the book and discovered that we could combine a viable business model and donate to charity. Since the brand took off and has become a reference in Toronto. Find the book here.

Girl Boss Sophia Amoruso

Let’s continue our list of inspiring books. I remember seeing this book everywhere when it was released in 2014, I waited for 2017 to read it. I thought it was a light book. Commercial. Sophia Amoruso is the founder of the online store NastyGal (bought in 2017 by Boohoo), she started selling vintage clothes on Ebay. I discovered the chaotic journey of a girl who did not have a clear path, who did not know where to go, who did not know how to succeed, who got up from her mistakes. I recognized myself in his book although of course I do not have success I liked to read that success is not all traced or hidden in the classic ways. That you can create it yourself in an area that fascinates us. Find the book here.


A life by Simone Veil

Read in my last months in France I had only a very limited knowledge of Simone Veil, like most people I associated with abortion but Simone Veil is so much more, it is the deportation, it is the life of a woman in a male political world, it is the loss of her family, the life after the Second World War. She is a woman of conviction. During the reading of this book I asked many questions to my grandfather about the Second World War, how was his life, his childhood memories, how were these villages he knew at war and who have since seen to grow up with children and grandchildren I opened a new look on this period and I understood the price of our freedom as a French woman. Find the book here.

The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

This book is a must have of any traveler / dreamer. I read it so many years ago, I offered it, lent it, lost it, found it again. I intend to bring it back on my next trip to France. Paulo Coelho takes us into the story of a lifetime. The quest for oneself Searching his way. A philosophical tale that will help you dream big. Find the book here.

Your Second Life Begins When You Realize You Only Have One by Raphaëlle Giordano

Like many people I imagine I had heard a lot about it. I was only moderately attracted by this book of yet another book of personal development. I was a little drunk to always read the same things. Then I was lent this book. I was still expecting moral lessons but not at all, the book in the form of a novel, hyper accessible, very close to reality reads alone and resonate in anyone who feels sinking into everyday life. I did not feel concerned because my life was very good at the time of reading but I know that more than one person will find this book beneficial. Find the book here.

The Happiness Equation by Neil Pasricha

We are ending our list of inspiring books with Pasricha. When you explain happiness as a science. Give you the keys to succeed. This book is a best seller, it has been read by millions of people around the world. I had the pleasure of attending a short conference with the author during our annual meeting at work. He shared as in the book his fears, his fears, his motives, his mistakes and his successes. No success happens without failures. He gives ways to balance his life. A nice tool to keep in the library. Find the book here.


This list of inspiring books is obviously not exhaustive and will change. But I wanted to share some of my inspirations. Feel free to add yours in comments!

Bonne lecture.

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