Be successful in your job hunting


Few months ago I wrote a post called “Et si on décidé d’être plus épanouis?”, which talk about profesional and personal life, you really like it. Today I received many emails concerning the job hunting, I promised you a post so let’s go ;).

Obvisouly there is not universal rules to got every job you apply for but there is some tips to maxime your chance.

job hunting advice

  • Check your skills.

Ask yourself the good questions and be honest to yourself. Like if you were someone else. Fill an Excel sheet with your strong and to improve points. There is not shame if you don’t know something, especially if you are a junior, you have to know about your improvement point to be prepare during the interview. Don’t forget to add a real example when you talk about your skills, it’s always a good idea to illustrate your words.

  • Define your objectives.

Which kind of job do you want ? Think about possible evolution, work conditions, if you wanna be part of a big company or a small. If you wanna move to a better job check the new responsabilities you would love to have.

  • Create your network.

We have this amazing tool called: Linkedin. It offers you the chance to connect with professional relation. To simplify it’s like Facebook but on a profesional version. Here no vacation’s pictures but connection around job: shared posts about tips, jobs offers, testimony.

  • Communicate about your job hunting.

Don’t be afraid to tell your network you are looking for a new job, it’s like they will work for you, your  network will probably contact you as soon as they will see something you can match with. One reason to be sure about what you are looking for, if you don’t know how your network can know and help you ?

  • Be reactive

I know it seems natural but I got this problem several times in my job: be reactive ! When you are not you don’t send positive vibes to your interlocutor. If a recruiter contacts you reply as soon as possible. Of course you are not spending all day waiting for a call but finding a job is your number one priority ! In one way people could see how you work in your job hunting.

  • Be clean !

Start typing your name on Google. You never tought about it ? However it’s the first thing a recruiter will do if you profile seems interesting. So clean up ! Turn your Facebook profile on private, with all the pictures from Summer 2009 and your huge drunk party from 2011 ! We learn how to use Facebook confidentialities. Who want to start an interview with someone who saw you dress like a little rabbit for your cousine’s birthday ? No one. Let accessible online the only things you are ready to assume, and it’s a recommendation for you all life, not juste for your job hunting.

  • Linkedin-ED !

Be the proud owner of a Linkedin it’s good. Having an updated Linkedin profile it’s much better. Your profile is like a vintage window but also your online resume connected all around the world 24/7. It what people will see before they come into your store. It’s important to have one clean, updated and enought attractive to bring people into your store asking questions. Once you got an update profile with a beautiful professional profile picture let’s start connect with people from your industry, your old training manager, old coworkers and classmates. Thanks people for accepting your invitation. Show them they were not add randomly, ask for advices if you are looking for a job in their fields. Give recommendation, ask for it, write posts, share it ! Make your profile alive ! I could talk about it during hours and hours, if you wish I can make a more detailled post 🙂

  • Be organized !

As everything in the world more organized you are more efficient you will be, make to do list, give you deadlines, fill Excel sheet to know who you already contacted, when and overall when call them again.

  • Follow specialized website !

Received differents newsletter from specialized website in job hunting, that way you will receive job offers matching with your profile. Saving your time for others tasks 🙂

recherche emploi conseils

Looking for a new job, by choice or by need, it’s never easy, habits change often, market change all the time, you too. Always remember that everything happens for a reason, even a crappy job can bring you something goof. Don’t give up, don’t be affraid to make mistakes, every interview failed is a training for the one which will change your life 🙂

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