iPhone case

Baby iPhone, baby.


Last week I assisted to my intern’s defense as you could see on Snapchat (FringintoBlog). To celebrate her last day of school we had a drink and her friend met us. One subject to an other we talked about cellphone. They are 8 years younger than I am, not that much but the cellphone use is so different. They grew up with smartphone (I would love to say iPhone but I don’t want to generalize 😉 ), they talked about the cellphone “with keys” as it was something so old, that made me smile and I felt like I was talking about landlines telephones 😉

iPhone case

So everything to tell you I was contacted by CaseApp, a personnalized case website, so I was thinking I could tell you more my smartphone addiction …

I had my first cellphone when I was 14, as a gift for my birthday by my friends, I remember like it was yesterday the day I opened the pack, we were at the rugby stadium (Back on the years we were spending all our Wednesday afternoon there.. What can I say.). I was 14, I had a phone to call, to send texts, it was a prepaid card and the battery could work 3 days. This day I would never imagine one day in 2016 I will be able to take a look at my bank account, to keep my plane tickets and to take pictures with. (Let’s be honest in 2002 I didn’t really care about 2016 😉 )


Years passed by, I changed my phone, obviously with all the promotion companies offered you can change for a good price. One day I even negociated with my grand father (who is such a good negociator) to change: he took my old one and gave me the new one, I was really good in business on my 16th. Back on time Nokia 3310 was so trendy I prefered to go with an other model to keep all the excitation of discovering a new product. Ok now you can laugh since I can’t live without my iPhone, I don’t want to change it for an other brand and it’s one of the most popular phone around the world, as a old couple we need each other so well. Preparing this post I asked myself about all the phones I had.. 14 years I had 9 personal cellphones and 3 professional phones… Samsung: 3, Nokia: 1, LG: 1, HTC: 1, Blackberry: 2, iPhone: 4. Ok I’m totally addict.

Today my cellphone is an extension of my brain, I put on it all the events I’m going, everything I plan, my to do list, quotes list, all I never want to forget. It is the faster way to communication, with friends around you or friends around the world, I can keep update in all my social medias. I have all my pictures and my music (Thanks Spotify) . As you could easily imagine I protect it. Since last January I changed to have the brand new iPhone 6S pink version, I bought a tempered glass window  and I have several cases depends on my mood, it’s more personnalized.

coque personnalisée

Talking about personnalized, let’s be back on our story: Caseapp offers you a range of ideas if you need inspiration for your future case, you can also start from nothing and design your own case. You can even start with an inspiration and personnalized it. Nice right ?

20% off with the promo code on Caseapp.fr : FRINGINTO20.

What about you ? Addict or not ? Telle me !

Nice evening <3

astrid signature article

Valence coque personnalisée

iPhone Case

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