
Easy French crepes recipe (sweet version)

So if you grew up in France the crepes surely remind you of the family winter days, moments of conviviality, a mix of laughter, fight with the one who licks the spoon of Nutella between each crepes. Beware, if you live abroad, this French specialty that seems childishly simple is a fabulous technique to make you shine in the kitchen. In Canada a crepe costs between 7 and 12 dollars a piece I think … Let’s explore the easy French crepes recipe I use all the time.

In 5 years I made crepes for a lot of people here, every time I feel like a little version of Anne Sophie Pic, but I especially like their head when I talk to them about the Chandeleur .. a day when we celebrate crepes (We’re on a tradition more complicated than that, but it’s marketing: catchphrase and after we develop with the details in the small lines, I let you test). We put on her best apron and go to pretend to be the queen / king of the kitchen!


For twenty sweet crepes you will need:

  • 250g of flour
  • 60 grams of sugar
  • 6 eggs
  • 60 grams of melted butter
  • almond milk (you can replace with other milks)

Suggestion for the accompaniment:

  • Spread
  • jam
  • Chestnut cream
  • Honey
  • Sugar
  • Sugar + a few drops of lemon


Let’s go:

  • Pour the flour first by digging a well
  • Pour the rest of the ingredients in the middle
  • Whip by gradually introducing the flour
  • Add milk to make the dough more liquid
  • Add water to make it softer
  • The dough must be liquid but not too much (okay I’m not helping you but you’ll have to test how it spreads in the pan)

After you garnish it, you bend it, you taste it. If they are left, we will keep them for breakfast the next morning.

Bon appétit !

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