Let’s go Blue Jays

One of the thing I really want to do living in North America was going to a baseball game of course ! Here no more football . Too bad after 26 years I was just starting understand the game. No more Handball. Thanks girls to try explain me one million times the game. I don’t understand but I had really good time with you ! But baseball with the Blue Jays. Hockey with the Maple Leafs.. And basketball with the Raptors!

Thanks to my lovely roomie Shanez, who invited me, here we are ready: cap on the head, shirt with Blue Jays colours, hot dog ( I want to follow the Canadian tradition perfectly), a drink, much bigger than in France, a souvenir glass, under a blazing sun: ready to enjoy Canadian sport ( just to know if you come in the 20 000 first you win a cap! )

Let’s goooooo Blue Jayyyyyyyyys !!


So people who knows me you know I’m not really crazy about sport, but that time I was delighted !! During one afternoon I was on the american movies I saw some many times telling to myself: one day you will be there. This day was the 10th of August ! It was an historical game: 6 hours and 37 minutes ! Longer game in the Blue Jay’s story. During long hour they tried to score .. and finally they won ! Guys thanks you trying to explain me the game I think I just need to practise now .. 😉

Watch the movie is better than every words.



The Roger Centre is Blue Jay’s home since 1989, just beside the CN Tower. It was the first stadium having a fully retractable motorized roof. Blue Jays are the only team in Canada it’s why everybody love them ! Game’s day you can see a lot of people in the subway wearing Blue Jays shirt and cap, or kids with their baseball glove and their fathers… By the way wonderful idea to sell female shirt : we can support our team with style !









An amazing day,  really good seats, amazing ambiance, wonderful weather ! My day like a North American !

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