Soirée blanche at Cabana Pool Bar by Apéro Chic.

After Casa Loma in July Apéro Chic took possession of Cabana Pool Bar the 28th of August, Toronto’s social hotspot. Incredible skyline’s view ..


It was my first event as a coordinator of the volunteers: I was so impatient and excited ! Recruitment of the team, schedules, communication with the volunteer, and here we go ! Volunteers arrived and let’s go for an amazing night !



I ran a lot during this night, my heels and my calfs thanks me, with an amazing volunteers team, I thank you again for your help and to know how welcome Apéro Chic’s guests with a French Touch ! Most of the people played the white game: some dresses were wonderful ! When at the end of night everybody told you they had an incredible night, even if you ran everywhere and you are tired you are so satisfied and happy !

I had a terrific night, with happy people, happy to be there, homely, smiling, funny. Thanks again to the two organizers for the night !

See you for the September event ! If you want to join our volunteer team send me an email at

I will be volunteer for an other famous event .. More information later .. 🙂

Photos: Joel Stedy Levy –> his facebook if you are looking for a photographer his work is really nice !




cabana pool bar

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