
Discover 8 Captivating Podcasts on Immigration

Going into immigration, wherever it is, can be terrifying. We ask ourselves so many questions, we try to project ourselves with the information we find on the internet. The questions we ask ourselves are often quite similar, so blogs like mine are a great resource to be able to answer them by reading the experience of someone who has been through something similar. But today I don’t want to talk about blogs but about another resource that I find very interesting to discover the life of immigrants in their new country: podcasts!

You will find below 5 podcasts to listen to to discover the life of people who left everything to settle in their new country, different reasons, different stories, different experiences. Each podcast has several seasons and will allow you to find people to identify with and inspire you. 4 of the 5 podcasts are in French, the 5th is in English.

If you want to listen to the podcasts I participated in, you will find the list in the blog post “Nice to meet you, I’m Astrid and you?”



Anne-Fleur was born to tell stories. Her voice will transport you and the ease she has with her guests: we love it. Each week she exchanges with a new guest to discover their story. I’ve been behind her microphone and I can tell you that she knows how to put people at ease. Hence the quality of the episodes and the sincerity that emerges from them.

Website | InstagramMy episode



Adèle, the voice behind Frenchies autour du monde has been living in Quebec for 2 years. And the least we can say is that she is passionate about what she does and always finds touching stories to share with us.

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Charlotte and Alysson both live in Los Angeles and have a very original concept: cross interviews. On one side they exchange with the person who has immigrated to a new country. On the other side they talk with a close friend. I played the game after they invited me a few months ago and hang on because the episodes are full of emotion. We don’t always realize that our decision to move abroad also affects those around us on different levels. I discovered my sister’s point of view and it was very touching.

Website | InstagramMy episode


english-podcast-immigrationThis is the only recommendation on the list that is in English. But this podcast has a special place in my heart because I was Kate’s first guest. An Englishwoman who moved to Canada for love, we talked about my experience, the differences between her experience and mine, coming to a country where she had mastered the language. She has since done this dozens of times and she shares with you the experiences of immigrants to Canada from all over the world.

Website | InstagramMy episode


Another discovery thanks to you! The episodes are very short and come out once a month. A different style from the other podcasts mentioned above.

Website |

PARENTS EXPATRIÉSpodcast-famille-expatriee

This podcast offers a completely different format. Instead of discovering a guest each week, you can follow the adventure of a family that has moved to Montreal. You’ll enjoy the southwestern accent that smells like sunshine. They also involve their children and I think it’s great to have the whole family’s opinion.

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Another podcast about families who have left everything behind to live a new experience on the other side of the world. Cindy the creator offers you one podcast per week, you have hours of listening ahead of you to discover stories from all over the world.

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I hope this list will help you discover new stories of immigrants in a country that interests you for a future immigration or will make you travel around the world to discover other cultures.

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