Scarborough Bluffs

A few weeks ago I enjoyed a great spring day exploring Scarborough Bluffs. Since my first time here in 2014 I had seen quite a lot of photos and I was rather determined to see the turquoise blue of the lake with my own eyes. Too bad that day the sky was a bit covered the colors are not so crazy as they can be! Scarborough is an area located east of Toronto (see map), accessible by the TTC transportation network, one hour from downtown Toronto to get there. Scarborough Bluffs is located in Scarborough Crescent Park.

How to get to Scarborough Crescent Park?

You have several options to get there, this is the option we have chosen.

  • Join Victoria Park underground station on the green line (line 2).
  • Then take the 12C bus to Kingston.
  • Stop at Kingston Rd and Brimley Road. You will be pretty much in the middle of the park.

What to do in Scarborough Crescent Park?

  • Cliffs: get off Brimley Road to Barkdene Hills on your left, follow the road to Broocklawn Avenue, then take the road across Broadmead Avenue. You will arrive on a cul de sac, the cliffs are a few meters away. Attention this part is not secured and you will have to go over a mini barrier to reach it.
  • La Marina: to get there go down Brimley Road to the lake. No bowl for us with the floods some parts were closed but it’s still nice to walk around the boats, there are also picnic tables, toilets (yes this is a must-have detail!) And a restaurant.
  • The beaches: to the east of the Marina you can access pretty sandy beaches, play volleyball or walk.
  • The Cliffs 2: On Brimley Road again you will find a school on the side and a small hiking trail next to it. If you go to the end without going down you will have a nice view on the lake. On your right you will find a path to follow that will make you cross the woods, there are several and they lead to the same place. Follow the signposted path to reach the cliffs.
  • Trail: find information on the Ontario Trails website.
  • More things to do on the site of the city of Toronto here.

When to see the cliffs?

The best time is of course on sunny days.

How long will it take?

Half a day to really take your time and walk around. This is what we did and we got a bit lost so you should be wide!

You know ? Want to go there? Other ideas for a walk? Treat yourself in the comments!

Belle soirée mes petits loups à frange.

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