
Happy mood tv shows selection

During these two months of confinement we’ve all had our ups and downs. Moments when we were a little anxious because of the uncertainty of the situation and the lack of visibility. We all have our little tricks to get out of these not-so-pleasant moods and one of them is to watch a series that makes us laugh and gives us the banana (as usual vintage expressions are a gift haha). As the progressive deconfinement begins in some places we may need to change our ideas even more by having to adapt to this new reality. So here is a compilation of series that make me laugh, that make me smile without thinking too much. Let’s go for 9 happy mood tv shows!



Brooklyn 99


We follow the life of a police station in Brooklyn, slightly zany detectives who juggle their police work, their personal life and especially that of the office.

Why do I like this show ?

A light show, an offbeat humour, not too serious plots (we’re here to think too much but to relax and laugh!), unexpected turnarounds, humorous associations with criminals. A bit of romance. We have a good time and above all we have fun!


Available on Netflix, 7 seasons, ongoing.







New Girl


After her breakup, Jess, a schoolteacher in Los Angeles, is looking for a new apartment. She finds a roommate with three guys she doesn’t know. Obviously they become friends, we follow their personal, professional and love affairs!

Wby do I like this show ?

J’adore cette série, c’est frais, c’est drôle, on a envie d’emménager avec eux et d’en faire nos meilleurs potes. Puis chez eux il fait toujours beau, alors quand on vit au Canada on apprécie les rayons de soleil même à travers un écran de télé !

Available on Netflix, 7 seasons, show finished.






We follow the daily lives of six New York friends in the ’90s. We follow their adventures, their quest for the perfect work life, the perfect love life. With a lot of humor.

Why do I like this show ?

Est ce que j’ai vraiment d’écrire quelque chose ici ? La série vieillit très bien, l’humour des années 90 nous fait toujours rire. Je connais la série par coeur donc je peux faire autre chose en même temps (oui c’est un critère important haha)

Available on Netflix, 10 seasons, show finished.

Trailer (like someone needs to see it)





The Big Bang Theory


The life of a bunch of scientist friends is turned upside down the day Penny moves into the apartment across the hall. She knows nothing about their world, they know nothing about her world. Leonard falls under her spell and tries to integrate her into his group.

Why do I like this show ?

I love the quirky side of this show. I think we should put the nerds in front of the usual stars. Seeing them fit into the “normal” world is also very funny. Obviously over 12 seasons some are less good but generally speaking I think everyone loves this series!

Available on Amazon Prime, 12 seasons, show finished.







One day at a time


We follow the adventures of a family of Cuban origin living in the United States: Lupita, mother of a family, former soldier, raises her two children with her mother.

Why do I like this show ?

I love the humour, their second degree, it talks about immigration, about identity as a child of immigrants growing up in a country other than that of his parents, about the search for oneself as a teenager and about homosexuality. These topics are very much in tune with the times.

Netflix, 4 seasons, ongoing show.






Cougar Town


Jules Cobb, 40 years old and recently divorced, lives in Florida with his 17-year-old son. She decides to start looking for love again and lives this adventure with a beautiful gang full of humor and zany adventures.


Why do I like this show?

I was curious to find Courtney Cox, of course! A second degree series, light, which makes you laugh without getting in your head. About the complexity of rebuilding your life after a divorce, finding the balance between your future life and your past. Living her life as a woman while being a mother. I saw it a long time ago, but I have good memories of it.

Available on Amazon Prime, 6 seasons, show finished.




How I met your mother


The series begins in 2030 when Ted Mosby begins to tell his 2 children how he met their mother. The series thus tells us about his life and that of his band of friends in New York, his quest for love, their adventures, each one funnier than the other.

Why do I like this show ?

This is the series I watched all summer 2014 when I arrived in Toronto to improve my English. The dialogues are simple and close to normal social life, very practical to improve. I like their humor, it’s funny, it’s fun, it’s fresh!

Available on Netflix, 9 seasons, show finished






Jane the Virgin


The series is about the hectic and eventful life of Jane, a young woman who has always lived surrounded exclusively by women and promised her grandmother to remain a virgin until marriage. However, after a gynaecological check-up appointment, she accidentally finds herself pregnant, having been inseminated in the place of the wife of the handsome and wealthy Rafael, owner of the “Marbella”, a luxury hotel. We follow Jane’s new life following this unforeseen event.

Why do I like this show ?

All the main roles are held by women, they talk about strong women, single mother, father who is absent but returns later. Sexuality. Money. Ambitions, professional life, professional dreams, family, family at heart. Finally a lot of very interesting topics. Even if some passages are a bit far-fetched, the series is really refreshing.

Available on Netflix, 5 seasons, show finished.




The Mindy Project


Funny and eccentric, Mindy Lahiri, gynecologist-obstetrician, can quote every romantic comedy there is. Despite a successful career, she desperately needs to break her bad habits in her personal life. We follow her quest for love but also her professional life, the boundary between the two not always being clear.

Why do I like this show ?

Mindy speaks to our generation, a fulfilled professional life but struggling to find someone to share her success with. At a time of dating apps, ghosting and companionship. Mindy tells us about modern life with a lot of humor.

Available on Amazon Prime, 6 seasons, show finished.


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