My dear Lille

Back in Valence after I spent my Easter weekend in Lille. I didn’t tell in any of my social media that I was travelling to Lille because my travel was a surprise ! With social media surprising people who love is becoming so hard !


So I took a Ouigo train Friday afternoon to Marne La Vallée to an other train: Marne La Vallée-Tourcoing. 10.30pm I was in Lille. A long trip but when you love you don’t count right ? Helped by her boyfriend and her mom and I met my friend Armelle behind a bar, she was talking with her friends, knowing nothing about the surprise ! Surprise was a success !

You already know Armelle for this amazing pictures we did last year in Toronto, because yes she is a Canadian meeting. We left each other in Toornto last June 30th and we finally met again !

Le vieux Lille

I never planed to visit Lille before, it was not really on my top 10 cities I absolutely want to visit. But I have to confess that after I heard many people told me how beautiful the city was I finally cross the road between South and North of France (for us Lyon is already North remember … ). It was actually a really nice surprise I found in the other side: the city is beautiful, really dynamic with very welcoming people ! You could follow me on Snapchat (FringintoBlog) but let’s come back for a minute on this city which have much more to offer than TV shows us (We are agreed that on real TV shows most of the time people are from the part of France :p )

Australian Bar Lille
Australian Bar

I feel in love with the architecture: colours everywhere, bricks, warm tones, really far from the austere image I always had. For me Lille was rain and grey. I completely assume that I had very bad prejuges. But now I’m able to say I was wrong and I encourage you to go visit too !

I didn’t really realize that the city was so big, she has so many things to offer concerning designers, shops, restaurants, bars and going out in general. Lille has nothing to envy to South’s cities (maybe some sun ok ..) It’s also very well deserve: Paris, London, Brussels are so close !

Lille Nord de la France
Grand’ Place

In just 3 days I experienced all the weather possible: wind, sun, rain and hail ! What I will remind me about Lille ? You will need sun glasses and an umbrella and overall that I was the only one realizing it was actually raining ! I laugh so bad Saturday night walking on the street and being the only one covering my head, others will not even notice the rain, they kept talking like usual. Being from Lille make you waterproof 🙂

Grand 'Place Lille

Old Lille is full of small cute streets, really charming stores and a lot of surprises, we took the time to shoot looks for the blog too !

If I have recommendation to do I will tell to walk in the old town and you should meet some amazing places like Grand’Place, Opéra Place, Cathédrale Notre Dame de la Treille,  La Vieille Bourse. Downtown is more about national stores that you could find anywhere else. Outsite of the super downtown you will have to visit the Citadelle de Lille, I wish I could run there (I tried to travel not too heavy so no running stuffs ;).

And as you could see on my social medias I ate .. I ate so much 😉 I will post a Lille City Guide as soon as I can with Armelle’s help.

When I came back in France I promised myself to visit more often my own country that I finally not know very well. So I’m really happy to spend time in our different regions, far from my habits.

Do you know Lille ? Do you like it ?

Have a good night.

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Marché de Wazemmes Lille
Marché de Wazemmes
Office de Tourisme Lille
Office de Tourisme Lille

Lille vielles rues

Bistrot Lille

Ancienne Place de la Bourse
Vieille Bourse
Ancienne Bourse Lille
Vieille Bourse Lille
Opéra de Lille
Opéra de Lille

Meert Lille
Meert Lille
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