A blogger from Ardèche

Still working on my post about Los Angeles (who took so many pictures seriously?) I’m sharing today the post from Le Dauphiné Libéré, Drôme et Ardèche, about my experience in Canada and my blog ! A blogger from Ardèche in Canada! Thanks a lot for your feedbacks that’s really awesome !!

Always an amazing experience to be able to share my experience with others. And inspire others to follow a similar path.

Follow more of my journey on Instagram and Youtube.

See you soon 🙂



This blog post is from 2015. We are now in 2024 .. and guess what? I have been back in Toronto since. I even became Canadian! Crazy I know right! The girl that wrote this blog post had no clue what life had in store for her. From being the Blogger from Ardèche in Toronto. To building an amazing life in Canada. If you want to catch up with me, I have a lot of blog posts. But you can also find me on Youtube sharing 2 videos a week. And daily content on Instagram where we can easily connect. All to say: dreams do come true. Believe in yourself and what you want for your life. You deserve it. Following what makes you feel good is amazing. I hope that I can inspire you to trust your guts.



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