
2018 I’m coming for you!

The year began only a few days ago and yet I have already experienced quite a lot of emotions. I thought back to our habits, when I was still living with my parents (I have not lived there since 2009) the first day of the year we went to my grandparents, drink a drink, we told them our day of the year. ‘an and they theirs. I have big parents globe trotters and brindeurs. Inspiring all that. We ate snails in chocolate, more than reason, but who counts how much chocolate is eaten on January 1 seriously? 2018, I’m coming.


This year I spent my first January at home, the thermometer was around -20 so you both say that my loaves and myself decided that it would be better to stay warm. Do not think that the -20 scares me, far from it, but it’s for the last day of the year that I put on my stuffed boots, my best hat, my Decathlon ski gloves and my camera and I went on an adventure, just 10 minutes from home but by -20 degrees every meter is an adventure, to capture you some pictures of the frozen lake. It was the first time I saw the lake like this and I must tell you that despite the fact that I left my toes, my thighs and my hands I found this beautiful landscape. Having a similar view in the city center is pretty incredible.


I spoke quickly about my projects pro and perso 2018 in my reviews of 2017, a little less projects of the blog. I would like to share more with you, I think for months to propose articles by district, I think that will be the thread of this year, these are long articles to put in place if only to find you the best addresses but it’s really something that I will love to do. And pick up my articles on restaurants that I liked as I had done for Valence. This is a bigger challenge here as there are many more restaurants and areas to cover. But I’m thinking of the best way to organize that. Now that I (finally) have my Canadian driver’s license I want to be able to escape more independently from the city to make you discover the other Canada. Canada far from the city. Canada that you have discovered with me this summer at Bruce Peninsula. The challenge here is that distances are bigger than in Europe and you can drive hours without seeing anything. I was surprised this summer on our trip to Bruce Peninsula we did not cross small villages to stop as we can find in Europe.

I would also like to share more level professional advice, I know that many of you ask me questions, articles, a meeting .. I think about it!

So I’m listening to you, what would you like to read and see? Tell me in the comments that I can bring you useful information.


Finally I will not finish a reminder for 2018. Enjoy everything. From each moment even the simplest ones. Tell people you love that you love them. Stay away from those you loved but who today have taken different paths. Do not wait until later to do the things you care about. Do simple things. Unforeseen. Folles. Do not be afraid to try. To deceive you. Miss. To start again. To ask for help. To inspire you Be proud of yourself, your accomplishments, your mistakes, your lessons. Be humble, be generous. Learn. Be curious. Ask questions. Think differently. Please. Surprise your loved ones. Do not go beyond the line between your desires and respect for others. Ask questions to your elders. Share it.


For 2018 promise me to see the bright side and learn from all situations, good or bad.

ontario-lake-ice-winter-3 ontario-lake-ice-winter-3

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