

Last week I was in France for a few days. I traveled some 15,000 km of plane back to attend an event in Valencia. Not just any event: the third edition of the fun and funky wedding festival: Pimp Ta Noce (read my article about the 2016 edition). I will come back in more detail on this edition of the festival as soon as I have recovered the photos. In the meantime you have been able to follow the adventure on Instagram !


Less than a week away from Toronto, just 5 days in Valencia, 2 days on the festival, 36 hours without sleep and a lot of waiting in airports and train stations. The excitement was such that I could not read, the wifi in Toronto was not working so I started to imagine the journey that was about to make people around me. A move, a return home, a business trip. A ticket taken at the last minute, a ticket that represents months of savings, a trip against his sandstone or full of excitement. As I like to look at planes in the sky and imagine that as someone inside is changing their lives, I love watching people at airports and train stations. Note the most accustomed, the stressed out, gourmands who rob the duty free, those who crack in the shops and scarf bags around the arm. Those who say goodbye. Those who are alone. Those who leave in a group. In a relationship with. In family. Those who rush towards boarding when we will all end up returning. Those who go astray looking for the toilet. Those who speak very loudly in their mother tongue, imagining that nobody understands. Those who try to take the prettiest photo of the plane before takeoff. Those who count the hours that bring them closer to the finish. Those who are afraid of missing a connection. Those who are dazzled by the plane, this pile of scrap that takes us to the end of the world. Those who already wear the appropriate attire to their final destination. Those who check 5 times that they are well in front of the right boarding gate. Those who do not know where they have their ticket. Those who pray to be porthole side. Those who have taken a pill to sleep too early and who sink in the waiting room. Those who ask 4 times which zone is loading. Those who listen to music too loud, much too loud. Those who get to know the whole waiting room


I do not think I’ll ever tire of inventing people’s lives, offering them other imaginary perspectives. And on the plane I watch the clouds go by, the earth when there is some. In a few minutes I saw the sun rise and it was one of the prettiest things I could see. Taking a plane so easily, waiting a few hours and ending up at the end of the world is a magical moment for me. Jump from one life to another, from one country to another.

Rather, who are you at the airport?

Have a wonderful week mes petits loups à frange.

Plein de love.

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