
Recipe of my perfect Nutella Muffins

You saw it several times on my Instagram, they are finally on the blog! The Nutella muffins were my guest of honor this summer: Canada Day, new visa celebration, barbecue, all excuses were good to go to the stove. Let’s talk technically a minute before moving on to practice: my first muffin test did not live up to my expectations at all but believe it or not I googled for advice and I found tips to make: the perfect muffins.

Since my life has changed. I understood the technique of muffin mellow and guess what (big suspense I know) I will share it with you. Yes also before starting: this recipe comes from an inattention error and a lack of concentration. I read: 3 pots when it wrote 3 1/2 pots. Then I did not dare to test the initial recipe .. Well now that I told you everything are you ready to go?


For about 15 muffins you will need:
  • 1 pot of yogurt
  • 1/3 pot of olive oil
  • 1 pot of sugar
  • 3 pots of flour
  • 1 bag of yeast
  • 3 eggs
  • Nutella, many Nutella


  • Preheat the oven to 180 degrees C (350 degrees F).
  • Pour all ingredients except Nutella.
  • Mix quickly: 2-3 strokes of wooden spoon are enough (this is the secret!), Even if the dough does not seem enough mixed. If one beats too much the dough the muffins will be all small.
  • Pour a spoonful of dough into the bottom of the mold, a spoon of Nutella (I tend to be very generous) and again a spoonful of dough. Not more than 3/4 of the size of the mold they will inflate (mine have not too inflated this time!)
  • Cook for 30 minutes.
  • Enjoy!


Recipe validated by several gourmands I recommend it with closed eyes!

Do not hesitate to tag me on Instagram if you post the recipes you find on the blog, I love when I get your messages when you test blog recipes!

Bon appétit 😉

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