First days in Canada

July 1st. 9.30am. Marseille. A Starbucks and an almost wedding proposal later. Who walk with flowers and suit on an airport without the idea to propose ? Time is coming. The plane left a 12.30pm flood by my tears.. Arrived in Toronto 4.45pm (local hours, 6 hours less than back home), after 45 minutes waiting for a spot in the airport I’m in Canada !!! Let’s recap my first days in Canada.


After few papers and my luggages founded we had to go downtown and find our place for few days. Find our place was really easy, the hardest was to have the keys. After negociations with the person who have our keys we finally have the keys: yeahhhh ! After we started to explore the city by night, but we finally go to bed .. 30 hours in a day is kind of long. Let’s see how the next first days in Canada go!


Mise à jour 2024 – Retrouvez toute mon aventure depuis 2014 sur Instagram et Youtube en plus du blog.

It’s so hard to believe this blog post about my first days in Canada was written almost 10 years ago. I thought I would stay for a year .. I’m now Canadian and well established in Canada. To be honest, back then I couldn’t even write a blog post without a translation app haha.

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