Weekend in unknown lands

Last weekend I escaped with a part of my family and friends to take a few days rest in a place a bit out of time. No need for your phones the network is capricious. I admit we have wifi at home … No need to dress fancy, sheep do not appreciate fashion. Sneakers, warm attire, at 1000m Of altitude in November I do not make you a drawing. A camera you are ready to appreciate the beauty of the life on the plateau ardéchois. Do not forget to come hungry because you eat a lot .. a lot ..! Let’s spend the weekend in unknown lands.

Arcens, yes this name must surely tell you something, but so at mineral water. Yes it is well there that she draws its source, a little above the Cheylard. It is also where my grandmother was born, from that time we still have a nice family home where I spent good numbers of Easter weekends and summer holidays to play with my brother and My sister but also with all the cousins who came for the holidays. Give nature, great spaces and freedom to children: the happiest!


Not far from the house you will find the Gerbier de Jonc, emblem of this part of the plateau ardéchois, we did not go this time but if you are in the corner you must not miss it! In Cheylard you find the manufacture of jewelry GL (my rings come from below and a large part of my bracelets), French manufacture of high quality jewelry for different brands. Given the weather, the snow was inviting, we took the opportunity to rest by the fire, to walk along the lake of Saint Martial snow, to chain raclette and tartiflette, Altitude to go and make a cuckoo to the family that makes goat cheese, the houses there are really magnificent.

Better than words I let you walk in my Ardeche through some pictures.

And you a place to recharge your batteries?

Take care of yourself.

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